ArcheoRoma / Rome Metro / Timetable

Rome Metro: Timetable

Metro timetables in Rome for the A, B, B1 and C lines. First and last metro runs on public holidays and weekdays.

Metro Rome

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Timetables from Monday to Thursday and on Sundays

Below are the service timetables of the A, B, B1 and C metro lines in Rome. Barring unforeseen events or temporary reductions in service, the first and last departure times at the terminuses are as follows.

Metro A (orange line)

The first run of the Metro A departs from both the Battistini and Anagnina terminus at 5:30 am, while the last run is at 11:30 pm.

First run Last run
5:30 23:30

Metro B and B1 (blue line)

The two metro lines B and B1 (which differs from the former in the final stretch, from Bologna to Monte Sacro), have the first run at 5:30 a.m. from the three terminuses Laurentina, Rebibbia and Jonio. Last run at 23:30.

First run Last run
5:30 23:30

The frequency of the cars is usually 10 to 15 minutes, but at peak hours it can be up to about four minutes.

Metro C (green line)

Metro C, as well as Metro A and B, starts its service at 5:30 am from both terminals Pantano and San Giovanni. The last ride is at 23:30.

First run Last run
5:30 23:30

Friday and Saturday timetables

On Fridays and Saturdays there is an extension of the evening closing time by two hours, as per the following tables.

Metro A (orange line)

The first run of the Metro A departs from both the Battistini and Anagnina terminus at 5:30 am, with the last run at 1:30 am.

First run Last run
5:30 01:30 (next day)

Metro B and B1 (blue line)

The two metro lines B and B1 (which differs from the former in the final stretch, from Bologna to Monte Sacro), have the first run at 5:30 a.m. from the three terminuses Laurentina, Rebibbia and Jonio. Last run at 1:30 am.

First run Last run
5:30 01:30 (next day)

Metro C (green line)

Metro C, as well as Metro A and B, starts its service at 5:30 a.m. from both terminals Pantano and San Giovanni. The last ride is at 1:30 am.

First run Last run
5:30 01:30 (next day)

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