ArcheoRoma / Rome Metro / Tickets

Rome Metro: Tickets

Prices of metro tickets in Rome, season tickets and discounts. Information on the transport of bulky luggage, strollers, animals and bicycles.

Metro Rome

Top selling tickets on ArcheoRoma

In order to travel on the Rome Metro you need to have a valid ticket.

Timed Integrated Ticket (BIT)

Ticket duration Price
100 minutes 1,50 euro

The basic ticket is the BIT (integrated timed ticket). It costs 1.50 euros and allows you to travel on all Rome Metro lines, as well as buses and trams.

The hourly limit of the ticket is 100 minutes, as long as you do not exit the subway turnstiles.

Attention: if you jump from Metro A to Metro C or vice versa at San Giovanni station you will have to pay twice for the ticket, because you are forced to exit the turnstile and come back (a problem that will be solved in the future with an underground connection between the two metro).

Children are exempt within the tenth year of age.

Monthly and annual subscriptions

Both monthly and annual subscriptions are available to users.

Monthly subscriptions

Ticket duration Price
calendar month 35 euro/53 euro

The price of the Personal Monthly subscription is 35 euros and is valid for the calendar month shown on the subscription or on the top-up receipt. It allows unlimited rides on the whole territory of the Municipality of Rome. The monthly impersonal subscription differs from the personal monthly one because it allows two people to take advantage of the same travel pass, for a monthly cost of 53 euros.

Annual subscription

Ticket duration Price
calendar year 250 euro

The annual subscription, which is valid for 365 days, costs € 250.00 and allows unlimited travel throughout the period.

Roma Pass

The Roma Pass is the solution offered by the Roman administration for tourists who have a few days to visit Rome. These are timed tickets, which allow unlimited travel on public transport for 24, 48 and 72 hours, starting from the first stamping.

Roma Pass, Rome’s official tourist card

Discounts for the elderly and unemployed

For those who are over 70 years of age and show an Isee income of less than 15 thousand euros, a specific card has been designed which allows the use of public transport free of charge.

The monthly subscribtion for unemployed, valid for the calendar month shown on the receipt, costs 16.00 euros and allows an unlimited number of trips.


What happens if I don’t have a valid ticket or travel ticket?

The traveler without a valid ticket, in addition to the payment of the ride, is subject to an administrative sanction from 100 to 500 euros. This penalty is reduced to 50 euros if it is paid within 5 days of the dispute. It is not possible to pay contextually to the dispute (paragraph 3, art.10, Regional Law no. 52 of 3 December 1982 and subsequent amendments). It is also valid for title not validated or validated several times and a personalized title without the necessary identity document.

Can I carry bulky luggage on the Metro?

Yes, as long as they fall into these cases:

  • Luggage not larger than 50x30x25
  • Musical instruments (one per passenger) inside the case, within the dimensions of 150x50x20
  • Strollers for children, to be folded to use escalators

If the baggage exceeds even one of the maximum dimensions of 50x30x25, you need to have an additional ordinary ticket. In any case, the baggage cannot exceed the dimensions of 80x45x25.

Can I take the bicycle on the Metro?

Yes. The following are allowed:

  • Folding bicycles without limitations, provided they are closed and with dimensions (when closed) not exceeding 110x80x40 cm.
  • non-motorized bicycles as long as you purchase an additional ticket and only under certain conditions (which, we hope, will not remain so for a long time, editor’s note). Metrebus ticket holders and children under 12 years of age use the service free of charge (provided they are accompanied by an adult).

Bicycle transport conditions

It is possible to access the bicycle transport service only from stations that foresee the presence of lifts or stairs less than 2 meters wide (it is forbidden to ride bicycles on escalators. It is also forbidden to carry bicycles on fixed stairs, when the escalators are out of service) . Apart from the stations of Barberini and Repubblica (currently out of order anyway), Spain, Termini, Vittorio Emanuele and San Giovanni.

Metro A and B: the bicycle can only be accessed on the first carriage in the direction of travel. In Metro C it is necessary to access the second or fifth carriage (identifiable by the bicycle symbol).

If you are a group of more than 5 passengers with bicycles in tow, it is mandatory to report your presence (and your movements) to the number 0646954037 or by email to with an advance of at least 24 hours.

Time limits for bicycle transport

Days Timetables
Weekdays (except Saturday and August)
  • From the start of the service at 07:00
  • From 10 to 12
  • From 20:00 until the end of the service
Saturdays and holidays and August Always

Can I bring pets on the Metro?

Yes. Medium and small dogs must pay the ticket at the ordinary rate. They do not pay if they are guide dogs accompanying blind people. They must also be equipped with a leash or basket muzzle.

Cats, birds and small animals must be brought in cages or baskets with dimensions not exceeding 25x45x80.

In any case, the staff may, at its sole discretion, refuse the transport of the animals (as well as the transport of bulky luggage).

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